Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Welcome to the WAM!

Greetings summer WAMers!

If you are looking at this page, it means you have found our class (INFO 303) blog, which, for all intents and purposes, will also be our class homepage.

Here you will find the following:
  • Links to important class documents including the syllabus and the university E-reserve where most of the readings for our class will be.
  • Links to each of your personal WAM blogs.
  • Course information, including announcements, project assignments, etc.
  • Media that I come across and deem relevant (read: cool) to our class and the ideas we will be discussing here.
  • Changes, if there be any, to the syllabus, schedule, or reading assignments in class.
Please bookmark this site and use it frequently.

It's going to be an amazing--quick!--summer session. I can hardly wait to see what you all compose, create, and remediate!
