Thursday, July 2, 2009

Audio project assignment sheet: podcast/sound essay

For this project, you will create a short (4-5 minutes) audio essay in the style of radio programs like "This American Life." In the essay, you may make creative use of sound effects, music, silence, and any other audio tools at your disposal to communicate your ideas. You are free to choose the theme of your essay, and the information can be arranged however you like. These essays should be written to be spoken first, and I will try to demo in class how you can adjust a written piece into something more "talky".

If you have any questions about your ideas, feel free to contact me. Consider the information in the McKee and Shipka readings when thinking about how to construct your essay. Make sure to reference at least one of the ideas from these scholars explicitly. Also, make sure to use the workshop time provided in class to get feedback from me and from your classmates.

On Thursday, I will demo several aspects of Garageband, though you are welcomed to use any audio editor that you feel comfortable with.

I will also talk about how to upload your final audio-essay onto your blog. In addition to the audio file, I would also like to see the written essay that you work from as well as a 500 word "process" reflective essay like the one we did for the last unit.

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