Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Final Project

For your final project in Writing Across Media, you will be creating a polished artifact utilizing the skills and techniques acquired over the course of the semester. While the requirements for this project are simple, the work that you do here should reflect your finest and most thoughtful work to date. First, you will read a small body of scholarship that focuses on a theory related to work we have done in WAM. Then, you will work to remediate that theory using one (or many!) of the tools and methods we have utilized this semester. In other words, I'd like for you to explore the theory thoroughly and then demonstrate your understanding of the theory in a way other than the typical alphabetic text representation. Simply put, do what you've been doing all semester!

The amount of work you do here should be the equivalent of a ten page research paper, but of course, there need not be any traditional "pages." I assume that most of you will choose to do a time-based project, if so, please limit it to 6-7 minutes. In your initial proposal, due on the 27th, you should tell me your plan for the project including all of the media/mediums you will use and how you plan on representing the theoretical ideas of your scholarship. The most important part of the proposal and the project will be a display of your ability to think deeply about both the theory you will be covering and the concepts that we have discussed this semester. Final written "artifacts" should be at least 1000 words.

I have been so pleased by the work you have done thus far in the class. I very much look forward to your final products!

Time line:
  • Assign project and choose theory: Tuesday 21
  • Project proposal due on Tuesday the 28th (500 words)
  • Have reading nearly completed by the 27th
  • Final project due August 4th, Presentations the 4th and 5th

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